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Anyone Done Hot Yoga In A Studio With Infrared Heating?

A MyLupusTeam Member asked a question 💭
Regina, SK

I’ve done hot yoga before in a normal studio and it doesn’t flare my lupus at all. I find it detoxifying, soothing to sore muscles and it actually helps calm my anxiety. I have a hot yoga studio close to my home that uses infrared heating. I’m interested in trying it but am scared it will cause a flare? I’ve heard infrared can be dangerous to lupus patients- anyone tried before?

March 23, 2018
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A MyLupusTeam Member

I also love hot yoga-feel so much better afterwards. Actually, if I feel the flare coming, I head straight to the studio. However, infrared light is heat being created from light. A simple form of radiation. Granted, at a lower dose than the common microwave, but 90 minutes of it? It is popular at the moment because it is cheaper method of heating a studio than humidified air. My advice would be too stay away from it. The light is not our friend. Good luck, be well:)

March 24, 2018
A MyLupusTeam Member

I love hot yoga! It makes me feel better.

September 28, 2018
A MyLupusTeam Member

I've done infrared sauna and it helped with pain and stiffness - did not cause a flare for me.

March 24, 2018
A MyLupusTeam Member

Can’t use my knees yet since I fell & tore the Meniscus in both knees which will require blood plasma prolotherapy/stem cell to repair. If that doesn’t work then looking at surgery with implants. Karate has been my LIFE & the injury has obviously caused me to revamp my workouts but I AM also interested in Yoga..... Question is: Are there enough poses in Yoga which don’t involve the knees to make it worthwhile prior to my medical procedures for knee/Meniscus Repair? (For those of you who may not know- the Meniscus works similar to an elastic band around the back & sides of each knee to allow the knee to bend & twist & provides that springing action needed for walking, jumping, running, bending & kneeling) So Eliminate all those movements including not being able to be on my knees yet- Is Yoga still an option for me to strengthen & stretch other areas? Any Questions for me if any of you are losing balance, falling often, find your legs/knees are not working as b4... drop me a comment & I’ll be happy to keep you informed on the results of the Medical Procedures & my experience with it afterwards. Hoping the BEST for everyone & will openly share in order to pave the way for others who are interested but want to know how it goes for me first instead of go in blindly. As for now, I am just Wishing US ALL to BE WELL!
Yours Truly, Sensei Chaachi

October 1, 2018
A MyLupusTeam Member

I have always heard the infra red light is good for our joints.

November 12, 2020

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