Belimumab (sold under the brand name Benlysta) is a biologic drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and active lupus nephritis. It can be given as an intravenous (IV) infusion, which goes directly into the bloodstream, or as a subcutaneous injection, administered just under the skin.
You can receive a larger and more concentrated dose through infusions, but with this approach comes some additional considerations. You can self-administer injections with a prefilled autoinjector pen, but you may have to take them more often than infusions.
The prescribing information for belimumab reports a similar safety profile (side effects) for both infusions and injections — as long as you take either option as directed. Although it’s the same treatment, there are a few differences to think about when choosing which method fits your lifestyle best.
IV infusions are administered in a medical setting, such as an outpatient treatment center, where you’ll be monitored by a health care professional. This is to ensure your safety, as it allows for a health care professional to watch for potential side effects or complications, like allergic reactions. It also gives you a chance to ask questions and lets your health care provider make changes based on your treatment response.
However, because IV infusions happen outside of your home, you’ll need to schedule and set aside time for appointments. You’ll also need to ensure transportation to and from the facility.
If you have a busy schedule, no transportation, or limited mobility, you may prefer injections. You can do injections at home, which is more convenient. If you don’t feel comfortable injecting yourself, a reliable family member or caregiver can be trained to help you.
Infusions take longer than injections because you’re getting more medication in one sitting. You can give yourself a belimumab injection in a matter of minutes, but an infusion will take about an hour. With infusions, you’ll also have to factor in the time it takes to drive to your appointment, park, and check in.
For injectable medication, you’ll want to be sure you can order your prefilled syringes on time and have them delivered or picked up so you’re consistent with treatments at home.
Injections come with a lot of benefits, including the ability to do them quickly at home. However, compared to infusions, you’ll need to have injections more frequently, usually once a week. Staying on a consistent schedule by taking an injection on the same day each week will ensure the right amount of medication to keep lupus symptoms under control.
Belimumab infusions usually start with one appointment every two weeks. Then, after the first three doses, you’ll transition to a maintenance dose that’s once every four weeks. Your health care provider will base your treatment plan on your individual circumstances and response to the medication. Plan on monthly appointments as a general guideline for your future treatment plans.
Hearing from others who have tried both forms of belimumab can give you valuable insight before starting treatment. Members of MyLupusTeam often talk about different treatment options.
One member shared: “I did Benlysta infusions for over two years. They wiped me out by putting me in bed for two days, and then I felt weak for a week with exhaustion. I recently switched to injections in the hope that the smaller dose wouldn’t make me as sick. They are still wiping me out, but now I’m sick every single week!”
Another responded: “The Benlysta injections increase fatigue for me, but I am also seeing results. I am starting to have more good days. I have seen positive skin and joint changes too.”
Others said they had less side effects but also fewer benefits with injections. “The day I would get infusions, I would have to sleep it off all day. Besides that, I was doing fine on the infusions,” one member shared. “As for injections, I have only had a total of five so far, and I’m not seeing any results or side effects.”
Always let your doctor know if you’re experiencing more side effects or if your lupus symptoms seem to be worsening on your current treatment plan. Your doctor can give you individualized medical advice to help with your decision.
MyLupusTeam is the social network for people with lupus and their loved ones. On MyLupusTeam, more than 223,000 people with lupus come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories.
Do you prefer to self-inject your treatment or go for infusions? Have you experienced any serious side effects, like injection site reactions or infusion reactions with belimumab? Post your thoughts in the comments below, or start a conversation by sharing your Activities page.
A MyLupusTeam Member
Good morning! I hate to be the Debbie downer on this thread, but
My Rheumy prescribed Benlysta, in the effort to improve the Lupus symptoms and possibly remove me from Prednisone. I was… read more