Almost half of the 5 million people living with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) develop vasculitis. This lupus complication causes inflammation in your blood vessels. The inflammation can affect the veins (phlebitis), the arteries (arteritis), the capillaries, or all three (systemic vasculitis). When vasculitis occurs, blood flow may be reduced, which can lead to tissue and organ damage. In people with lupus, it’s sometimes called lupus vasculitis.
“I have vasculitis in my eyes,” one MyLupusTeam member wrote. “It is very painful and when it flares, I look like someone possessed.” Another said, “I have had vasculitis twice in my roller coaster ride with SLE.”
Researchers aren’t sure what causes vasculitis in people with lupus. However, they find complex connections between an overly aggressive immune system and inflammatory changes that lead to vasculitis. Some forms of vasculitis can develop in people with lupus when they contract certain viruses, such as cytomegalovirus (a common virus that often doesn’t cause symptoms) or hepatitis C.
Other forms of vasculitis may develop as a side effect of medications prescribed to control lupus or its symptoms. These may include biologics (medicines made from living cells) and antiepilepsy drugs such as carbamazepine.
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly called Wegener’s granulomatosis) is another type of vasculitis. Some research has found a genetic link between this condition and autoimmune diseases like lupus. However, more research is needed to understand this connection better.
When the blood vessel walls become inflamed, they can thicken, scar, or become weak in certain areas. These changes make it difficult for blood to flow properly. Blood circulation can slow down, limiting how much oxygen and nutrients reach the cells and causing them to stop working properly.
Depending on where in the body vasculitis develops, the condition can cause a wide range of symptoms. It may affect the skin, joints, brain, nerves, kidneys, heart, lungs, or intestines. Symptoms can range in severity from mild to life-threatening.
When vasculitis affects the skin and joints, it can cause:
Vasculitis can develop in the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), eyes, or the peripheral nervous system, leading to:
When vasculitis affects the heart or lungs, it may cause symptoms like:
Vasculitis may cause problems with blood flow in the intestines, potentially leading to:
Kidney-related symptoms include:
Your rheumatologist or other specialist will take a complete medical history and perform a physical examination to look for symptoms. They may order blood tests to check blood cell levels and signs of inflammation. Your doctor may also order urine tests. Blood and urine tests can help determine the type of vasculitis you have or what parts of the body are affected.
Other tests to diagnose vasculitis may include:
Treating vasculitis depends on the organs involved, how severe the inflammation is, your overall health, and how you’ve responded to different treatments in the past. In mild cases, no treatment may be required. Diagnosing serious vasculitis that could harm major organs may require stronger immune-suppressing treatment. Severe vasculitis that needs treatment may be managed with the therapies listed below.
Treating vasculitis is an ongoing process that requires consistent monitoring by your rheumatology team or other health care professionals. If vasculitis develops as a complication of lupus, keeping lupus under control with the right level of immune-suppressing treatment can help manage the vasculitis more effectively.
On MyLupusTeam, the social network for people with lupus, more than 232,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with lupus.
Are you living with vasculitis? How has it affected you? Have you found an effective way to treat it? Share your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.
A MyLupusTeam Member